Hurricane Helene Relief - By Air!

The best part of helping our Hurricane Helene victims was the chance to join with so many awesome volunteers at Statesville, Rutherfordton, and Ashe County airports.  The volume of supplies sent in short notice before government authorities could arrive was just tremendous, and those who helped deliver it over the week after the traumatic event were truly joyful servants.  Truly a fantastic experience.



 OSH KOSH 2024 trip with Ben Davis and Bill Gideon

Walk the Walk!

"Teammates are always observing their leader, and as they do - they are constantly drawing their own conclusions about what the leader values based on the actions they see their leader living.  

Leaders, therefore, need to remain ever mindful of these perceptions and take charge of that narrative by taking the steps to actively demonstrate the values they care about for their teams."

                Jordan Kestenbaum

                Disney Institute

Leadership? Or Management? You can wear BOTH hats...

Too often, these words are used interchangeably, or they are misunderstood with one regarded as superior to the other.  In truth, they're both different, and they are both essential for a team.  When supervising any group, a person needs to know when to lead, and when to manage, and how to know the difference:


Optimization of those operations essential for function of the mission while minimizing disruptive change.


Inspiring the team to move from one place to another, by motivating essential and sometimes disruptive change required  for the successful execution of the mission.

A great supervisor knows when to wear either hat.  

For example (in a corporate environment): 

Paychecks typically flow out every two weeks to all colleagues.  A great manager knows how to optimize that activity so it works well without interruption.  Colleagues know the expectation and are happy.

When to put on the leadership hat: 

Imagine a paycheck systems change or a software upgrade which might require the  organization to change from generating paychecks every two weeks - to twice a month.  This creates a very different bank schedule for everyone involved, and it has massive knock-on impacts on the team and their families.  

A great leader knows how to inspire and lead that change, when required, with all on board to make the payment scheduling change happen for best mission execution.  Then, soonest, that great supervisor then reverts back to Management mode to optimize the execution of the new, stable payment schedule, terminating the change.

Can you imagine a supervisor who would continuously meddle with the paycheck processing schedule?  Disaster!  But occasionally, leading the team to change when required for the system?  Sure.

A great supervisor knows the difference between these two activities, Leadership and Management - and knows when to put on the Manager Hat and when to put on the Leader Hat to create the most consistent success for the team.

Both Management and Leadership are critical functions for a Supervisor - The key is to know how and when to wear each hat.

How much can you empower a well-coordinated Team of Teams and stay successful?

We decentralized until it made us uncomfortable, and it was right there - on the brink of instability- that we found our sweet spot."

    General Stanley McCrystal

Sally from Kabul. November 2009 - March 2010


We said goodbye to my best friend today.  14.5 years old.  She has caught 10,000 frisbees for me....

An amazing, beautiful, majestic, athletic, empathetic friend.

Here's her story (from a post far below):

Sally's story

 Return to Three Capes Website

Servant Leadership


Put yourself at the bottom.  
It's a gift to be there.

Put your Team at the top.
Lift them up.  

Serve your Team.

Leadership is a Gift


Leadership is a Gift.  It's given by those who follow.
But you have to be worthy of it.

- General Mark Welsh, US Air Force Academy 2011


Great OSH KOSH fly in with Bill Gideon. 

Our V-35 Bonanza

1966 Beechcraft V-35 Bonanza N7883L
Raleigh-Durham Airport, North Carolina


 The Step.

The one thing all aviators share, regardless of which airplane they fly, is the Step.  The Step is anticipates.  The Step transforms.  The Step is confident. And the Step can sometimes be a fearful, courageous move.  The Step is one of those few things that only aviators do.  The Step is the glorious space of time between which an aviator makes the decision to go out and fly - that point when he or she commits to leave the ground in the machine - and the moment the engine begins turning.  This short period is known as the Step, and every Aviator knows just what it means.


2-Ship of Taildraggers to OSH KOSH Wisconsin
With Bill Gideon and Ben Davis July 2021

Flag Day

Photo taken by and courtesy of my friend and former neighbor Beverly Church Wright at Plymouth Massachusetts. Thanks Beverly!

Towering Cumulus!

“OPEN JET.  GOT AN OPEN JET FOR AN OPS CHECK COMING UP IN THE NEXT 30”  Lt Col Kaiser announced on the PA across the squadron. 

Leadership is Industry Agnostic

Leadership is Industry Agnostic. 

Leadership is Change

Leadership is Action not Position

Leadership is Transformational not Transactional

Leadership is Service to The Team

Leadership is Emotion that Drives the Mission

Leadership Builds

Leadership Honors

Leadership is Grateful

Leadership is Visionary

Leadership is Selfless

Leadership Cares.

Lead or Manage?

"You manage things, you lead people."

(shared with me today by Vesela Dashkolova)

A Best-in-Class Enterprise Learning Strategy Starts with the Learner Experience in Mind

How often do we actually stop and think of a specific person on the receiving end of our corporate enterprise learning efforts? 

“If you don’t fund the State Dept, I have to buy more bullets” said General Mattis. #USGLC

As part of a US Global Leadership Coalition Group, we met today with staffs of Sen Thom Tillis, and also Representatives David Rouzer, Mark Walker, Patrick McHenry, and David Price (and others met with many more) to emphasize funding for diplomacy and global development programs, alongside defense, to keep us safer long term. 

 If you are a veteran, join us. MCC. USAID. USGLC. Most every state has a delegation. Veterans For Smart Power: 

22 October 2019

Learning as a Way of Being

"Since turbulent conditions appear everywhere and pervade our lives in both time and space, learning in permanent whitewater conditions is and will continue to be a constant way of life for all of us.  There are no boundaries to learning.  Learning as a way of being is a natural mode of being that is more important than ever in a complex and unstable environment."

They go well together:

"When you combine a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship, you get the magic alchemy of great performance."
Jim Collins in "Good to Great"

 Good to Great

"Until you've changed a plan, a policy, a procedure - You haven't learned anything."
Cujo Teschner in "Debrief to Win""

Leadership is Industry Agnostic

Never confuse leadership talent with job expertise.  They are different realms.  Both are required on the team, but both talents aren't required equally of the every teammate.

A great leader, empowered with the right freedom of action, can inspire and generate the highest possible performance from every expert member on the team - whatever that maximum level is for each person - and in so doing, create an environment of excellence & performance far beyond the leader's technical level of expertise, and far beyond whatever the team's collective level of expertise might otherwise generate without that leader.

We Fight.

“We fight with the Navy, Marines and Air Force. Our soldiers have never heard an Air Force pilot say ‘I can’t fly into that low-altitude area,’ These guys take incredible risk.   If there are troops on the ground, they are rolling in hot.” 
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley 
At Association of the United States Army Symposium. Fall 2018
Film of this is rare, obviously, but here's a relatively lower-intensity daytime example.  
F-15E StrikeEagle Close Air Support in Afghanistan

Operation Airdrop - Hurricane Florence Disaster Response

This picture of my new friends in Lumberton NC captures the essence of Operation Airdrop, September 2018, in Southeast North Carolina.

Old South Aerodrome. Abingdon VA, Sep 2018

Annual flying trip to West Virginia with Bill Gideon & Ben Davis

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model

I first encountered this excellent construct at George Washington University in 1998.  This is the intellectual property the Center for Leadership Studies in Cary, NC, and is a great framework with which to consider leadership across a variety of circumstances, with different followers in mind.


“The wingman is absolutely indispensable. I look after my wingman. My wingman looks after me...wars are not won by individuals. They're won by teams.”

Lt Col Francis "Gabby" Gabreski, USAF.
28 victories in WWII; 6.5 MiGs over Korea

At Fuquay Angier Airport NC April 29th 2018

At the Kennebec Grass Strip south of Raleigh NC

David Johnston on Leadership, PPD, 8 March 2018

Key Attributes of a Leader:
A focus on Empathy, Servitude, Intellectual Curiosity, Ability to Flex, Active Leadership, Customer Focus, Goal Orientation, Respect for Others, Mentorship, and Fun.

How does a Servant-Leader Think About Leading?
A Servant Leader Can Transform a Team with a Change in the Leader's Mindset

Missiles in the Air

Combat Archer Aug, 2000.  Tyndall AFB, FL. AIM-7MH Air-to-Air Missiles over the Gulf; 336th Fighter Squadron Rocketeers. 
I was flying the far jet.

At Wise VA, Lonesome Pine Airport, September 2017

With USAFA 90 Roomates Bill Gideon and Ben Davis

At UNC Chapel Hill. Horace Williams Airport.

One of my last trips to this great airport before Chapel Hill closed it.

Leadership: Organization as a Family

Inclusiveness-Cultivating team success and feelings of belonging-is one of the leadership. Deploying this skill helps not only us but the people and organizations around us too. The positive cycle you create leads to greater success..."
Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston in 
How Remarkable Women Lead.